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Ecocity Morocco. Working hand to hand with Ecocity Builders and many Moroccan experts, we aim to design seven new cities that met the Ecocity Standards. The purpose of this chapter is to present the diverse analysis results of the current project. The first settlement completing the entire analysis in the first approach and design process is Lotisment Al Badr. A mosaic per each Fractal L1 region of 963 iterations is available in the "Useful links" section below.

We are developing a new Ecocity methodology and open-source permaculture-oriented analysis and design software. The tool will assist all kinds of institutions and professionals interested in the transformation of actual cities into Ecocites or in the creation of a new one from scratch.

During the first steps of development of this project and according to the nearby resources, we use the Chaos theory in order to generate mutations/iterations on the fractalization and parcel design process. Will be 1,000 or 10,000 mutations enough to equalize the Moroccan expertise in city design? I believe that the combination of powerful machine precision, infinite numbers of design possibilities, and the creativity of the experts, will rise the cities of the future.

IsaĆ­as Baruch.